Christ community church imperial valley

Year end report


Pastor Walter Colace

Dear church family, I’m thrilled with what the Lord has done through Christ Community Church in 2023. I’m even more excited about what God has in store for us in 2024! The pastoral staff and elders have been inspired by witnessing people come to Jesus Christ and maturing in the things of God and His Word. We’re seeing more leaders being raised than in previous years which means we’re on the right track in making disciples.

Also, as you can see in this report, Christ Community Church is increasing its global impact. Our church’s vision is crystalizing to include the far reaches of the world as the Lord continues to open doors to minister in other countries. Pastor Chris and I thank God for your commitment and generosity towards the vision God has for Christ Community Church. We pray this report will serve as a catalyst to trust Jesus for a greater gospel impact in 2024.

For God’s Glory,

Pastor Walter Colace • Senior Pastor

Pastor Chris Nunn

As 2023 comes to a close, Pastor Walt and I thought it only fitting to pause and give glory to The Lord for all that He accomplished through Christ Community Church of Imperial Valley over the course of the last year.

In 2023, Christ Community Church celebrated its 25th Anniversary. While considering not only this last year, but the last 25 years of the life of Christ Community Church, I am compelled to praise Jesus for His favor and faithfulness to His church.

As many of you may already know, the vision of Christ Community Church is to LOVE (God, neighbor, one another, our valley, our world), LIVE (Out our faith among one another, the unbelieving world, in light of eternity), and LEAD (In our homes, churches, and community). We praise God that as Jesus’ hands and feet, Christ Community Church has faithfully answered the call to live out this vision in our local community and beyond.

I encourage you, as you read through this report to pause and give thanks for all that God has accomplished. Spend a few moments seeking God on how He might want to engage you in the work of fulfilling this vision in the new year. Finally, all the amazing ministry that we have witnessed over the last year would not have been possible without the faithful support and partnership of you, The Church. I praise God to be able to serve a Body that loves God and people so fervently.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor Chris Nunn • Senior Pastor

Youth & Young adults

2023 has been a year of growth for the youth group. Although the growth can be observed through the rising attendance numbers, more importantly, we have seen Spiritual growth in our students. Our “Student Leadership Program” was launched in September to guide our youth students into a deeper relationship with the Lord. We have monthly meetings with nine students and have had the privilege of watching them focus on Christ and become equipped for any circumstance. The curriculum is primarily built on guided personal devotions with the Lord, Scripture memorization, prayer, community service projects, and putting faith into action.

The groups from El Centro and Brawley united for each of our youth trips. Keep our students in prayer because we have learned that our maximum capacity for youth trips is 33, but we believe there are many more who would greatly benefit from these outings.

Soulfire was an extremely memorable adventure with the students. The overall theme was “Truth,” separating the eternal, objective truth of God’s Word from the shaky, relative truth of the culture. We yielded great fruit from one-on-one conversations with our students.

This year, for summer camp, we had the privilege of attending “Camp Pondo.” The camp offers a summer camp experience and a powerful encounter with God! We celebrate all God accomplished in our students' hearts through the worship music and impactful messages. The theme, “Foundations,” prompted students to build their lives on Christ as the only true foundation.

Our students have attended the annual Reality Apologetics conference for six years and our students always look forward to the trip. With the growing uncertainty of AI and its impact on society, the “Man or Maker” theme encouraged the group that their hope is not in any man, but rather the Maker of the universe! Our students are now well-equipped to firmly place their faith in Christ.


Pastor Cameron Colace • Youth Pastor

Youth Groups

  • REACH Average Attendance: 40
  • RISE Average Attendance: 29
  • RELENTLESS Average Attendance: 36
  • Annual Total: 3,036

Soulfire Winter Camp - Total Students: 33

  • Reach Students: 19
  • Rise Students: 14
  • Leaders: 7

Rooted Young Adults Group

  • Annual Total: 781
  • Average Attendance: 21

Student Leadership Program: Total Enrolled: 9

Reality Apologetics - Total Students: 33

  • Reach Students: 22
  • Rise Students: 11
  • Leaders: 14

Summer Camp - Total Students: 33

  • Reach Students: 22
  • Rise Students: 11
  • Leaders: 7

El Centro

I am so grateful for every person who was instrumental this past year at Christ Community Church; for each one who served, all who received, and for every blessing God has bestowed due to your commitment and dedication to His calling.

As we look forward, and anticipate God’s plan for the new year, Kari and I are encouraged when we remember Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Love you and Lord bless,


Pastor Dennis Freeman • El Centro

Social Media & Online Presence

Streaming – over 20,000 views

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • CCC Mobile App
  • Website (

Over 50,000 Adults visited CCC in 2023

Average attendance

  • Brawley Campus: 300
  • Calexico Campus: 100
  • El Centro Campus: 1,000
  • EC Spanish Campus: 100

and more than

11,000 children

  • Average 350 children per week at Kids Church
  • 170 kids registered in AWANA
  • 406 attended VBS (Vacation Bible School)


Romans 16:27,

“ the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.“

We have seen God add to His Church those who are to be saved (Acts 2:27) and all glory to Him for the many lives we have seen Him transform. We have seen Christ Community Church Brawley double in the past year, go to two Sunday Worship Services, celebrate 27 Baptisms, and have an impact specifically in the North End of the Imperial County.

We are excited to see what God will do in the future as there are still so many more hurting people to reach with the love and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you to those who have prayed for and supported this ministry. We look forward to partnering with you in the future to advance God’s Kingdom together.


Pastor Sean Arviso • Brawley

2023 has been a very productive year for the Spanish ministry. As we continue to welcome new families. New believers have joined us and been baptized plus many baptism requests have already been made for 2024!

Our volunteer team has also grown with new ministries forming soon. The Lord has blessed us with a solid leadership team who are enthusiastic about serving Christ and our community. We are eager to continue to “do life together” in the upcoming year as we love, live, and lead others to Christ our Lord.

Spanish ministry


Pastor Javier Guerra • EC Spanish


We are so excited about what the Lord has been doing in Calexico! As Christ Community Church, we have been called to be the salt of the earth and to be the light in our community. The Lord has opened doors for us to be just that, and to be able to make a difference in our community, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord has opened doors for us to share the Gospel with elementary students, the School Board, the Fire Department, the Police Department, City officials, and Community Families.

We are seeing the Lord at work, as we now have some of those in our community not only coming to Christ but also serving at CCC Calexico! Pray with us as we continue to proclaim the Gospel. To Jesus be the honor and the praise!


Pastor Frank Zazueta • Calexico

Conferences & Retreats

  • Prophecy Conference
  • Apologetics Conference
  • Pro-Life Conference
  • Marriage Conference
  • Men’s Retreat – Over 30 men
  • Women’s Retreat – Over 80 ladies


  • Decisions for Christ: 218
  • Baptism: 111
  • Baby Dedications: 9
  • Discipleship Classes: 150 people
  • Life Groups • 12 Life Groups: 150 people


local & Global Missions

  • CCC supported over 30 missionaries with over $200,000 in support.
  • CCC was able to raise $100,000 for the Thailand Pastor Network to facilitate training and quipping for 1,200 pastors from all over Thailand.
  • The El Centro Campus raised $45,000 to support Messianic Believers in Israel.
  • More than $5000 raised for Reps 4 Vets
  • The Annual Missions BBQ raised $10,000 for local and global missions.
  • Community Clean-up
  • Police Department Prayer
  • KGBA Radio
  • IV Lifecenter
  • Real Hope Center
  • BBI Uganda

and Outreaches

  • KWAM – Over 3,000 meals served.
  • HOPE Thanksgiving Outreach – 300 Turkeys & and over 500 meals served.
  • Harvest Night – Over 2,000 people served across 3 campuses.
  • Operation Christmas Child – Collected over 200 boxes.
  • Angel Tree – Provided 150 gifts to children with incarcerated parents.

Year-End Giving

As you can see, it’s been an amazing year at Christ Community Church. We praise God for His provision and faithfulness in allowing us to be a small part of the work of His Kingdom in the Imperial Valley.

If you feel led to participate in any of the ministries of Christ Community Church, we encourage you to reach out by scanning the attached QR code.

This work is only possible through the faithful prayer support of people like you. If you’d like to partner in prayer for Christ Community Church, let us know by scanning the attached QR code.

Finally, if you’d like to consider supporting the work and calling of Christ Community Church financially through year-end giving (to apply to the 2023 tax year, year-end gifts should be received by 1/15/24 and post-dated 2023, digital giving will apply to the date of donation) please scan the attached QR code. If you prefer to give by check, we have included an addressed envelope for your convenience.